Steaz Energy-Berry

This energy drink wasn't really an energy drink if you ask me. I am sorry to say but its not good. It says made with "organic" ingredients but these organic ingredients do not taste to well together, I could not even finish the whole can. It says the Flavor is Berry but it did not taste like that at all. To me it tasted like an apple and tea mixture with a horrible after taste. Maybe some of you will like this but I do not like tea that much explaining why I couldn't finish it. The only energy I really received from this drink was enough energy to get up and spit it out in the sink. I am sorry that I am being so cruel on this energy drink but I didn't enjoy it at all!

I officially give this drink a 1 out of 10 because I did not enjoy this at all!

Click here to visit Steaz

1 comment:

  1. to harsh man, they dont add any sugar thats why it tastes like that and the other bad taste is cuz of the green tea. Bad energy wise tho
